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Teaching and Learning Resources for Early Learners and KS1

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Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.




Looking for something fresh and original to ignite your classroom? Dive into a treasure trove of resources designed to captivate and inspire KS1 children. Plus, explore engaging materials for Key Stage 2 and tailored resources for SEND learners. From Phonics to Speaking & Listening, Reading & Writing activities, Maths, PSHE and a variety of exciting topic-based resources, you’ll find everything you need to create new lessons that stand out.
Ending in 'CK'  4 Worksheets KS1

Ending in 'CK' 4 Worksheets KS1

A phonics resource for children learning about ‘ck’ at the end of words. There are 2 worksheets where children use the words provided to label the pictures. There is a sheet with 16 sentences where children add the missing words that end in ck. (S may be added for plurals). They can write these out in their workbooks or just add the missing words onto the sheet. There is a wordsearch and wordsearch answer sheet provided.
14 Pencil Control Mazes

14 Pencil Control Mazes

14 designs of mazes of different complexity. Great for improving pencil control and concentration. You could also enlarge and use with other media than pencils, such as paint.
3 Sets of CVC Worksheets

3 Sets of CVC Worksheets

3 sets of CVC worksheets. Each set is made up of: 12 CVC word cards Word cards with pictures Picture cards with space to write CVC words Children can learn to read, spell, sound out and match. Pictures are black and white so children can colour these too. Links to Letters and Sounds, Phonics and Spelling.
Let's Write for Different Purposes

Let's Write for Different Purposes

There are 4 pages of colour flashcards giving examples of reasons children might write e.g. a letter to Grandma, a party invitation and Valentine’s card. Each page shows 6 reasons to write. There are also examples of letters that could be received such as an invoice, a bill and an appointment. Cut out the cards and you could add to the writing area or table or use as a lesson in itself for writing for different reasons. The first worksheet shows reasons to write around the edge and has a writing frame in the centre. Children could use this to make notes on their choices or to write simple sentences.
On the Farm Topic Worksheets EYFS KS1

On the Farm Topic Worksheets EYFS KS1

A resource linking topic work on the Farm to literacy. There are 4 black and white sheets for children to name the animals and things you might find on a farm and label them. The same sheets are duplicated in colour. There are 2 sheets asking children to draw or cut and paste animals or things they might find on the farm.
Enhancing Fine Motor Skills with Animals

Enhancing Fine Motor Skills with Animals

This resource has an animal theme and is designed to enhance fine motor skills development in children within the EYFS and KS1 age groups. It includes three worksheets each featuring 8 cartoon-style animal heads with dotted lines for tracing. Children can either assign creative names to these animals or use their actual species names. There is a collection of pets, wild animals and farm animals.
Autumn Animals Lesson Resources EYFS KS1

Autumn Animals Lesson Resources EYFS KS1

A complete lesson for EYFS or KS1 based on Autumn and animals that are often associated with Autumn. There is a power point to start, with a page on each of the 5 animals represented: red fox, red squirrel, barn owl, hedgehog and badger. Each page shows a photograph of the animal and 6 facts about the animal to discuss. There is then a writing template for each of the animals. Children can recall some of the facts they have heard, write a story or poem about the animal. The final worksheet is a labelling sheet where children match and write the words under the pictures. The can then colour the pictures or they could draw their own.
15 Handwriting Patterns to Trace EYFS

15 Handwriting Patterns to Trace EYFS

15 worksheets for children to use to practice their handwriting and fine motor control. Each sheet has a different theme. Laminate and use with dry markers in your writing corner too.
Fireworks Poem and Activity Sheets

Fireworks Poem and Activity Sheets

One to save for Bonfire Night or any Celebrations such as New Year or the 4th of July. Page 1 - share the poem ‘Bang, Crash, Boom’. Link to work on onomatopoeia or sounds. Children can listen out or look for rhyming words and underline them. Page 2 - shows a list of the rhyming words used in the poem. Children can use these or their own words and write pairs of rhyming words in the shapes. Sheet 3 - this is a template for children to write their own poem in. Sheet 4 - a doodle firework colouring sheet.
The Shopping Basket Activities KS1

The Shopping Basket Activities KS1

A set of activities based on the Book: The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. There is a complete set of small flashcards representing all the characters,places and food in the story. There are 6 activities: Draw the correct number of food items in the basket. Match the animals to the food they wanted from Steven. Match the animals to the places where they appeared in the story. Match the animals to the position they appear in the story. Write a shopping list for Steven. Write a note for number 25.
Out in Space Resource Pack EYFS and KS1

Out in Space Resource Pack EYFS and KS1

This resource links to your topic on Space, the World, poetry, creative writing and labelling. Page 1 is a colouring sheet showing an astronaut in Space. Page 2 is an original poem to share with your class entitled ‘An encounter with aliens’. Children can talk about the poem and find rhyming words. They can illustrate the poem in the frame provided or use the frame to write their own Space poem. Page 3 provides a choice of 2 other writing or drawing frames. Children can also use the frames for creative writing about Space. Page 4 is a colouring sheet where children write the speech in the speech bubbles. Page 5 and 6 show 10 black and white pictures that children can name, label and colour in. The words for each page are on the bottom of the sheets. Boardmaker licenced.
Speaking and Listening Quiz EYFS / SEN

Speaking and Listening Quiz EYFS / SEN

What am I thinking of? A fun, colourful quiz to engage your children in speaking, listening and thinking. Instructions are included with this resource. Children are asked questions without giving away the name of the object in the picture and they guess / or locate the answer on the grid. There are 3 sets of pictures which could be used as 3 different activities or as one depending on your children and their concentration levels. As children get used to the idea of the quiz, you can begin to engage them in asking the questions. A great treat too, for end of term or the beginning of a new term.
6 Bible Stories to Sequence

6 Bible Stories to Sequence

6 Bible Stories to Sequence with space for children to write about and/or draw their own pictures. The Life of Jesus Noah’s Ark The Good Samaritan Adam and Eve Jonah and the Whale The Nativity Story
NHS People Who Help Us Activity Sheets KS1

NHS People Who Help Us Activity Sheets KS1

A discussion activity around people who help us and the NHS. Sheet 1 asks children to label the pictures and colour them in e.g. ambulance and wheelchair. Sheet 2 is a word bank for those children who need support with their writing. Sheet 3 is a doodle sheet for colouring in medical related pictures.
Prepositions Worksheets KS1

Prepositions Worksheets KS1

6 prepositions worksheets for KS1. Each sheet has a theme on and off over and under inside and outside behind and in front up and down above and below There are 10 pictures on each page for children to discuss with a partner or group. Each picture is numbered. Children decide e.g if the umbrella picture shows up or down. If up, they can put the number or write the word in the up box. Children may decide an umbrella could be up or down and write in the up or down box. This resource encourages speaking and listening and thinking skills with minimal writing.
Fine Motor Tracing Patterns Set 1

Fine Motor Tracing Patterns Set 1

6 sheets where children practice their fine motor skills by tracing over the patterns. Children pair the objects e.g. take the cat to the milk or the rain cloud to the umbrella. There are 3 designs of worksheet with 2 versions - straight lines and wavy lines.
Memory Games KS1

Memory Games KS1

4 memory games to play with your children improving their concentration and memory. There are 2 black and white and 2 colour. The games are differentiated so that children can start with 8 items to recall and then move on to 10. Children will use their spelling skills also to write the word or for younger children they can dictate their answers. Extend with more objects and/or real objects covered with a cloth as in Kim’s game.
Writing about the Weather EYFS

Writing about the Weather EYFS

3 worksheets where the children name the picture/symbol linked to the weather and then overwrite the sentences. The last sheet is a template that the children can draw or paste into and then make their own sentences about the weather. Sheet 1 shows all the symbols used in the worksheets in black and white with corresponding colour symbol cards. Boardmaker licenced.
Acrostic Christmas Poem Writing Frames

Acrostic Christmas Poem Writing Frames

Here is an example of an acrostic Christmas poem to give your class the idea. I use a wordbank of Christmas words or pictures to inspire my children. There are 4 examples of writing frames so children can choose their favourites.
Let's Write Winter Words EYFS

Let's Write Winter Words EYFS

5 different worksheets where children name the pictures related to Winter and then trace over the words. Links to Seasons, Winter, Christmas, Weather, handwriting and fine motor control. Please see also Let’s Write Autumn, Spring and Summer Words on this shop too.